Retire Earlier
You may be able to retire earlier than you think. After working for 24 years in public education, I retired
at age 46, with a monthly pension! Impossible? Not at all! Not if you have the help and expertise of one
particular company.
Though I enjoyed my years in education, I was getting tired of the long hours, constant changes, and
overreach. Situations that I once found motivating and challenging became trying and taxing. What at
one time had been a rewarding and fulfilling career had become all-consuming and way too stressful.
My health suffered along with personal relationships. Like several educators, I believed I needed to
complete 30 years of service before I was eligible to retire. I felt exhausted, disheartened, and at times,
After one particularly bad day at work, I was meeting with an Ameritime team for my annual financial
check-up. They couldn’t help but notice my bad mood and started asking some direct questions. One of
those questions being, “Well, why don’t you just retire?” I told them I didn’t have enough years in to
qualify for retirement. They laughed at me, out loud. Needless to say, that did not help my mood.
However, what they said to me next and the conversation that followed, helped my mood
By the conclusion of our meeting that evening, Ameritime had educated me on how PSRS/PEERS
actually worked. But more importantly, they also came up with strategies, specific to me and my
financial picture, that, if followed, would allow me to retire in the very near future!
I have now been happily retired for 7 years! If you are feeling like I did before I retired, allow an
Ameritime team to review your situation. By going through the financial discovery process with you,
strategies may be identified and implemented that can get you retired and enjoying life sooner than you